New Beliefs, New Brain



Our beliefs shape our habits, patterns and experiences, and our brain shapes our beliefs. The two are intertwined. This is a discovery of how we can learn the language of mind, body and spirit in an integrated and whole-brain way.


  • Dealing with Complex Trauma

    16/08/2017 Duration: 27min

    Traditional and complex trauma requires a multi-faceted approach for lasting healing. Dr. Arielle Schwartz discusses the importance of a somatic component to healing the mind and body.

  • Creating a More Mindful Connection

    19/07/2017 Duration: 26min

    Meet Mindful founder Amy Baglan shares the creative insight that sparked a massive new approach to dating that's sweeping the nation. She discusses how to stay balanced in mind, body and spirit amidst the heavy demands of being a CEO. If you ever wanted to know how to stay grounded and remain productive, there are some gems in here for you.

  • Finding the Sacred: Interview with R.R. Shakti

    21/06/2017 Duration: 27min

    There is space in between each breath and action that is the convergence of the finite and infinite. There is magic to be extracted from this space. R.R. Shakti discusses some amazing insights and practices to make this sacred space a part of everyday life in pursuit of a richer human experience.

  • Healing the Epigenetic's of Family Trauma: Interview with Mark Wolynn

    17/05/2017 Duration: 29min

    Epigentics refers to the way our experiences shape the DNA we pass on to our children. Mark Wolynn, author of "It Didn't Start With You" dives into his life-long exploration of how to heal the epigenetic trauma we carry. Join us for this conversation of potential, empowerment, and ultimately freedom.

  • Learning to Love Your Body

    03/05/2017 Duration: 14min

    In a world of plastic surgery, photoshop and high-tech visual enhancements it's difficult to be happy with our own imperfections. Body image is easily beaten down by external forces, yet it is created by our internal dialogue. How can we get to that internal dialogue to clean it up so that the competition in the world around us has no power to affect how we feel about ourselves?

  • Should Healers Work for Free?

    26/04/2017 Duration: 16min

    I'm sure you've heard that all healing should be free if you are in the "healer" community. This presents quite the conundrum when one wants to continue to do this kind of service work in the world. What's the right answer?

  • The Art of Attention: Interview with Elena Brower

    19/04/2017 Duration: 28min

    Being present is a skill we can cultivate every day. It's actually an art. Elena Brower, author and international yoga teacher is a thought-leader in the field. She brings her authentic form of self-inquiry to the forefront of her work, inspiring students around the world to step into their power. Join us for this amazing conversation.

  • Your story of "I can't"

    08/02/2017 Duration: 16min

    For some of us our "I can't" stories rule our lives, dictating our actions from a place of fear or inhibition. What are those stories doing to the body? How is it that they are so easily accessed in the mind? How can we move through our "I can't" stories together?

  • Are We All Just Frauds?

    16/01/2017 Duration: 21min

    All of our moments of self-doubt, self-sabotage, and insecurity can make us feel like frauds or unworthy of life's gifts. But the shadows of these things are amazing teachers and can be used as fuel for deeper growth. 

  • Moving into Possibility when Life Throws you Crap

    04/01/2017 Duration: 17min

    When circumstances beyond our control threaten our sense of empowerment it's easy to become stressed and go into limbic functioning. The key to navigating things beyond our control with grace and ease is a function of our prefrontal cortex. So how do we move into that space in the midst of stress?

  • The Brain Basics of New Year's Resolutions

    28/12/2016 Duration: 13min

    We all like to think we get a clean slate when the year changes at midnight. We make goals and hope to see things differently. But if we knew a bit more about the neural mechanisms behind goal setting and our sense or rewards, we might approach our resolutions with a bit more strategy, ensuring our success rather than setting ourselves up for disappointment..

  • Is Meditation Just Another Spiritual Bypass?

    21/12/2016 Duration: 22min

    It's a fine line between dissociation and the reprieve that practices like meditation offer. This is not to say meditation or any spiritual practice is designed to do that. But many of us can claim user error and perhaps admit that we escape life's pain but running to one of these noble practices, yet never use the practice to change anything beyond the cushion. So when exactly is meditation a spiritual bypass?

  • Acts of Service - The Martyr or the Altruist

    14/12/2016 Duration: 13min

    We all know that we are supposed to "give" to be good people. This is a high expectation. So many of us fall into giving and service so that we gain validation or a reputation. This kind of giving is exhausting. But what happens when we give from a place of fullness? How do we even know the difference?

  • Do We Believe What We See, or Do we See What We Believe?

    07/12/2016 Duration: 15min

    We easily put credibility into our ability to report what we see. But seeing anything is a subjective experience. It's easier miss pieces of our experience simply because we have not given ourselves permission to see them. What happens when we give ourselves permission?

  • The Oxytocin Paradox

    30/11/2016 Duration: 17min

    We've heard and read many catchy stories of the "love molecule" and how oxytocin promotes social bonding. But what we don't hear often is that extreme bonding also creates judgment, racism and ethnocentrism. 

  • Is pasta causing a mind, body, spirit crisis?

    16/11/2016 Duration: 18min

    We all have our own reasons for eating the way we do. For some it's ethical choices, moral choices, allergy choices, etc. But one thing I learned growing up on a Sicilian staple diet is that sugars contributed to my body's illness and my mind's negativity. Let's discuss which sugars are supportive and which contribute to cellular and mind stress.

  • Welcome to our new podcast!

    15/11/2016 Duration: 01min

    Just a short welcome to invite you in to our inquiry and discover of the integration of mind and body.